There is strong investor interest in Attica Bank's share capital increase, as domestic and international investors are flocking to cover it.
A guarantee in the whole effort is the participation of Thrivest, which also brought the participation of the large fund, Fiera Capital. In fact, the increase is 90% covered before it even starts, which proves the vote of confidence in the management of Attica Bank and its transformation into the fifth banking pillar.
The company's share price rose 3,716.79%, a little after the opening of the session, in which the securities resulting from the reverse split were traded. This led to a suspension of trading. Previously, the share price jumped from €0.7 at the opening to €20, corresponding to a market capitalisation of €32.3 billion with only €8.2 thousand traded. The right to increase the bank's share capital was also suspended, reaching €269, up 28.1%. Previously, it had moved from €194 (-7.62%) to a high of €274 (+30.4%).
Both securities returned to auctions at 16.00 and to trading at 16.15, with the close of the session finding Attica's shares at €7.02 (+1. 239.69%) and the right at €225.00 (+7.14%).
The Market Committee is reportedly putting all transactions that have taken place in the bank's shares in the previous period under the microscope. It is recalled that the period of exercising the subscription right for the share capital increase started yesterday and will last until November 4, while the trading period of the right on the stock market will end on October 30. Fiera Capital will participate in the issue with an amount of €12 million through the allocation of a corresponding number of unallocated shares.