The Greek
Greek rating unchanged at BBB- |
Fitch Ratings
Greek rating unchanged at BBB-
Regarding Greece's credit rating, Fitch affirmed the investment grade BBB rating with a stable outlook.
1 min

Fitch confirmed the investment grade BBB-rating with a stable outlook for Greece's credit rating. 

It is important to note that DBRS and Scope were among the first to assign the nation an investment grade in early September, with S&P being the first of the "majors" to do so, then Fitch. Moody's rating remains one notch below investment grade, with S&P further upgrading its rating outlook to positive from stable on April 19.

As the agency notes, Greece's rating reflects GDP per capita and governance levels that are well above the average for BBB-rated countries, as well as policy credibility underpinned by EU and eurozone membership.

These strengths balance the weaknesses stemming from the debt crisis, such as very high levels of public and external debt as well as high, albeit declining, unemployment, limited medium-term growth prospects and some persistent weaknesses in the banking sector.