The Greek
Clear victory for New Democracy - Populist parties make gains |
EU Parliament Elections
Clear victory for New Democracy - Populist parties make gains
In the final Ministry of Interior estimate for the European elections of 2024, ND is expected to receive 27.9%, SYRIZA 14.8%, and PASOK 12.9%.
2 min

The clear victory of ND, but at the low end, with a percentage clearly below 30%, and also the low performance of SYRIZA, which holds second place due to the continued low flights of PASOK in the Attica basin, were recorded in the Eurocall. This is a result that resulted from the historically low voter turnout of less than 40%. 

The final estimate of the Ministry of Interior for the 2024 European elections gives 27.9% to ND, 14.8% to SYRIZA and 12.9% to PASOK.

With 9.6%, Hellenic Solution is in fourth place, behind KKE with 9.4%, Niki with 4.4%, and Plefsi Eleftherias with 3.5%. The final estimate does not include the results of the postal vote.


Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis made his first comment after the results of the European elections and stressed that "from now on, these elections are the starting point of a new path towards 2027".

"I thank, from the bottom of my heart, all the Greeks who trusted us once again. Our MEPs will give their best in the mission that awaits them, in a European Parliament where, unfortunately, the rise of the far right is a reality from which our country is not exempt," the Prime Minister said.

He added, "I will not hide the truth. Our party did not reach the goal we had set, nor am I interested in arguments such as the fact that the difference from second place is the largest in the history of the European elections. We knew from the beginning that this election would be very difficult. Citizens who supported us in 2023 knew that now no government is elected, and perhaps they faced this battle differently. In the run-up to the election, and despite my own efforts, there was also a lack of substantial reflection on the future of Europe and our country's place in it.

While there were certainly many voters who wanted to protest about issues that concern them in their daily lives, most notably punctuality,. Whether that decision was made by selecting smaller groups or by an unprecedented nationwide abstention—which may make it harder to draw conclusions—I respect that decision. But above all, I listen to their voice and their mandate and I hear it loudly: "we trust you but try harder". And that is what we will do so that we can move faster, more steadily, and closer to Europe."

He noted that: "In the two largest countries in Europe, France and Germany, strong ruling parties have retreated dramatically. But in our country, Greece, New Democracy remains dominant and one of the largest centre-right parties in Europe. 50 years since its foundation, it is the only force in the country that can offer stability to the political system in these troubled times, something it owes to its members, its executives, and our friends, and I want to thank them once again from the bottom of my heart."

Mitsotakis stressed that: "As of now, these elections become the starting point of a new path towards 2027. That is why, from tomorrow on, we will turn with greater intensity to the problems—for more work and fewer weaknesses, for greater effort and fewer failures. We have three years ahead of us without elections.

So just as I believe that the Greece of 2024 is much better than the Greece of 1019, the Greece of 2027 will be much better than the Greece of today. We want it, we can and we will achieve it. Thank you."