The Greek
Some helped the narrative of the New Democracy |
Nikos Androulakis
Some helped the narrative of the New Democracy
Nikos Androulakis sent a message that he accepts any criticism of the result of the European elections, but a clear message not to tear down what we have built with effort, as he said, during his statement at the joint meeting of the Central Committee and the Political Council.
1 min
Nikos Androulakis, leader of PASOK

Nikos Androulakis sent a message that he accepts any criticism of the result of the European elections, but a clear message to the inner PASOK: "not to demolish what we have built with effort,"  as he said during his introductory statement at the joint meeting of the Central Committee and the Political Council, amidst strong turbulence in Harrisburg. Trikoupis. 

"It is one thing to say that we did not rise in percentage terms as much as we would have liked, and another to present a picture of collapse and destruction by taking the spotlight away from the real losers of the elections," the PASOK president said, addressing the cadres who are raising the issue of leadership. 

"There was a narrative from New Democracy, which some of you helped to create, that PASOK is losing the centre and its decisions are a turn to populism. So how did we become the first party among centrist voters?" asked Androulakis, who, referring to possible internal party procedures, stressed that today we are analysing the election results and at the Central Committee (end of the month) we will decide on the road map.

Regarding the next steps, Mr. Androulakis noted that the decisions on the roadmap on who and when the leadership election will take place will be taken at the meeting of the PASOK-Movement for Change Central Committee at the end of the month.