The Greek
We are quickly covering the lost ground of the crisis |
Kostis Hatzidakis
We are quickly covering the lost ground of the crisis
Kostis Hatzidakis commented that Greece is quickly recovering from the crisis years and stated, among other things, the new fiscal rules that will apply from now on, with a focus on reducing spending.
1 min
Kostis Hatzidakis, Minister of Finance

The performance of the economy "allows us to catch up faster with the European average, so that we can catch up faster with the lost ground of the crisis we went through in the last decade, but also reduce public debt faster. This policy is working and will continue to work, as it serves to maintain fiscal responsibility and strengthen social cohesion.

This is what Minister of National Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis said in an exclusive statement to Athens News Agency, commenting, among other things, on the new fiscal rules that will apply from now on, with a focus on reducing spending.

According to the minister, "the formulation of the new fiscal rules was the result of a long, complex, and difficult negotiation in which the Greek government participated in an active and substantial way. The policy we have been pursuing in recent years serves to combine fiscal discipline with social sensitivity. And this policy has already recorded a significant number of positive achievements. Performance such as growth rates five times higher than the European average, lower unemployment, stronger wages, a large increase in exports, and attracting more investment."

According to information from economic agents, the strong budgetary performance may result in the creation of an additional fiscal space of about €350 million by the end of the year in addition to the €880 million for additional measures to increase citizens' incomes and further reduce burdens for 2025. In this case, the amount is to be used primarily to further strengthen social cohesion.