The Greek
Upward trend in the second quarter |
Upward trend in the second quarter
From the financial results released today, it is clear that Intrum Group's pan-European numbers are trending upward, with encouraging performances like the 22% increase in servicing profitability.
1 min
George Georgakopoulos Managing Director, Global Head of Servicing, Intrum

The upward trend of Intrum Group's figures on a pan-European level, with positive performances such as the 22% increase in servicing profitability, is evident from the financial results announced today. 

In particular, according to data from Intrum, the group achieved two important milestones in the last ten days in the context of the growth strategy it is implementing:

It entered into an agreement with Cerberus as a capital partner, which provides for the joint financing of investments of up to €1 billion per year in unsecured consumer loan portfolios in all markets where it operates. With this agreement, Intrum strengthens its investment business and increases revenues from portfolio management and other operations without incurring capital charges.

It reached, in a very short period of time, an agreement with the majority of its bondholders and creditors. The agreement achieves the implementation of the plan for capital strengthening and refinancing of liabilities in order to maximise the value of the organisation, improve liquidity, and support its long-term growth path.

In the last twelve months, 4.9 million individuals across Europe have returned to financial normality by servicing their debt through the solutions offered by Intrum. In Greece, according to the company's data, Intrum has consistently made a significant contribution to the group's size and growth, always applying the best practices required by law, ethical rules, and the group's values.

Intrum Greece's main concern, as stated by management executives, is to use all means to find a consensual solution, together with the borrower in question, that will allow the debt to be serviced in a viable and manageable manner. Of the 43,000 cases managed in the year 2023, 38,000, i.e., 88%, led to a consensual debt settlement, according to Intrum data.

And in the settlement process through the Extrajudicial Mechanism, the most numerous category of settlements (debts below 250,000 euros), the approval rate reaches 83%. The low percentage of auctions out of the total number of cases the company manages demonstrates, in the opinion of the company's executives, that the company only resorts to auction as a last resort after having used all other options to find a compromise solution.