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Return to the Athens Stock Exchange
The General Meeting of Shareholders decided by a resounding majority (99.98%) to admit Bank of Cyprus to the Athens Stock Exchange while simultaneously delisting it from the London Stock Exchange.
1 min
Panikos Nikolaou, CEO Bank of Cyprus

The General Meeting of Shareholders decided by a resounding majority (99.98%) to admit Bank of Cyprus to the Athens Stock Exchange while simultaneously delisting it from the London Stock Exchange.


The admission to the Main Market of the MA is an important step for the Bank of Cyprus, as it increases its visibility to a wider base of institutional and private investors. According to the management, the re-listing of Bank of Cyprus shares on the Athens Exchange is the next step in the process of further enhancing its profile, as the CSE is a mature European stock exchange with a growing reputation in line with Greece's steady economic growth. The Board believes that the Athens Stock Exchange is the most suitable market for the Bank of Cyprus, as it is already focused on regional banks and other companies operating in the Greek and Cypriot markets, factors that act as complementary to the Bank.


It should also be noted that the change in the listing structure will have no impact on the activities of the Bank and its subsidiaries. Furthermore, there is no change in the Bank's trading on the Cyprus Stock Exchange and the delisting will not affect the Bank's day-to-day operations or strategy. Bank of Cyprus Holdings remains a public company limited by guarantee in Ireland, domiciled in Nicosia and tax resident in Cyprus, maintaining its transparency and accountability to its shareholders.


It will increase the Bank's visibility to a wider range of institutional and private investors. It will allow for easier comparison with the big four Greek banks, which the Bank considers to be the closest peers - Provide greater access to capital from investors active on the Athens Stock Exchange for the benefit of shareholders and the Bank itself. - Over time, allow Bank of Cyprus to become eligible for inclusion in additional equity indices

In particular:

  • The move is expected to increase the liquidity of the bank's shares, offering greater trading opportunities and attracting investors.
  • The forthcoming listing puts Bank of Cyprus back in the frame of the CSE, making it an attractive option for investors interested in the Southern European region due to its strong performance and strong equity story.