The Greek
Aktor and Avax take over the PPP |
Tavropos Irrigation Network
Aktor and Avax take over the PPP
The companies Aktor and Avax are undertaking the PPP project for the Tavropos Irrigation Network, which includes the rehabilitation and modernization of the networks, according to a joint press release of the Ministries of Rural Development & Food and National Economy and Finance.
2 min

The companies Aktor and Avax are undertaking the PPP project for the Tavropos Irrigation Network, which includes the rehabilitation and modernization of the networks, according to a joint press release of the Ministries of Rural Development & Food and National Economy and Finance.

It is the first PPP project in a series of PPPs to be put out to tender and involves the rehabilitation and modernisation of the irrigation networks of TOEB Tavropou with a budget of €105,400,000 (plus VAT) in terms of net present value with parallel financing of €34,200,000 from the Recovery Fund.


The procedure for the submission of binding offers for the project "Rehabilitation and upgrading of the irrigation networks of TOEB TAYROPOS" to be implemented as a PPP project with parallel financing from the Recovery Fund under the Water 2.0 program has been completed.

As announced by the Minister of Rural Development Costas Tsiaras, the Deputy Minister Dionyssis Stamenitis, and the Secretary General for Union Resources and Infrastructure Dimitris Papagiannidis, it was submitted, through ESIDES, by the Association of Persons AKTOR PARACHORISIS S.A.-AVAX S.A. 

It is the first PPP project in a series of PPPs to be put out to tender and concerns the rehabilitation and modernisation of the irrigation networks of TOEB Tavropou with a budget of 105.400.000 (plus VAT) in terms of net present value with parallel financing of 34.200.000 € from the Recovery Fund.

Statement by the Minister of Rural Development and Food Costas Tsiaras: "The government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with consistency and a targeted programme, is changing the country's image. With the Tauropos project, we are creating irrigation infrastructure to ensure more favourable conditions for sustainable development of the primary sector in the heart of the Thessalian plain. In practice, the project will serve an area of 115,000 hectares, bringing multiple benefits to the region, focusing on reducing production costs and boosting farmers' income, ensuring food sufficiency and protecting the environment through water saving at a time when water resources are insufficient. Through the YDROR 2.0 programme, we are changing the country's irrigation map and giving a perspective to our agricultural production. The creation of modern infrastructure is the most efficient investment for the future, with significant benefits for the daily life of citizens and economic development.

Statement by Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis: "In parallel with the public-private partnerships that are underway across the country, aiming to improve infrastructure and services directly related to the daily lives of citizens, such as student dormitories, schools, and waste management facilities, we are accelerating the completion of important projects for the primary sector and the support of our farmers, such as irrigation infrastructure. The rehabilitation and modernisation of the irrigation networks of the Tauropou TOEB, with funding from the Recovery Fund, is a prime example in this direction. We continue to put our commitments into practice, with initiatives that lead to a better Greece for all".