The Greek
Green light for Data Center development in Western Macedonia |
Eunice Energy Group
Green light for Data Center development in Western Macedonia
National funding for the development of a data center by Eunice Energy Group in Western Macedonia has been approved. With this development, the investment is expected to start immediately from the beginning of the new year.
1 min

National funding for the development of a data center by Eunice Energy Group in Western Macedonia has been approved. With this development, the investment is expected to start immediately from the beginning of the new year.

"The data center is more than just a technological infrastructure. It is a driver of change for Western Macedonia, contributing to the sustainable development of the region and the energy security of Greece," said Eunice Group President & CEO, George Kalavrouziotis.


The Data Center will be implemented in Amyndeon, Florina, by the group's new company, Eunice Bright Data MAE  The total investment amounts to €31.5 million, while the eligible expenditure is equal to
The grant will amount to €15,77 million.  It will be linked to the group's BESS Ptolemaida project, a large-scale energy storage system that has been recognized as a Project of Common Interest (PCI) by the EU, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the Data center and offering energy stability and resilience


The location of Western Macedonia, with its excellent climatic conditions and existing energy networks, is an ideal location for the creation of the facility. The new data center utilizes the region's renewable energy resources, contributing to the energy efficiency and sustainability of the region. The Data Center comes to transform the region into a center of sustainable development, innovation, and technological advancement. By harnessing renewable energy, advanced technologies, and local resources, it redefines the future of the local community, creating new employment opportunities and enhancing social and economic cohesion.