The Greek
Completion of the absorption of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund |
Ministry of Finance
Completion of the absorption of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund
Two of the pillars of the reform of the Hellenic Holding and Property Company, the merger of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund with the GrowthFund and the abolition of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, become a reality with the completion of the relevant procedures.
1 min
Kostis Hatzidakis, Minister of Finance

Two of the pillars of the reform of the Hellenic Holding and Property Company, the merger of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund with the GrowthFund and the abolition of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, become a reality with the completion of the relevant procedures.

Specifically, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, signed the decision for the absorption of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund by the Hellenic Holding and Property Company and its abolition, while the contract for the merger with the absorption of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund by the Hellenic State Holding Company was also signed.

As regards the HFSF, the decision to abolish it was taken given that after the implementation of most of the disinvestment program by the banks, most of its mission has been completed. It should be recalled that according to its founding law, the HFSF had a duration until 31 December 2025.

Similarly, the HFSF, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the GrowthFund, has also completed most of its mission, and the merger with its parent creates the conditions for a more rational organisation and savings.