The Greek
63,000 new businesses opened in 2024 |
63,000 new businesses opened in 2024
A total of 63,000 new businesses opened in 2024, according to data from the General Commercial Register (GEMI) and the Central Union of Greek Chambers of Commerce (CCHE), making the past year good for business.
1 min

A total of 63,000 new businesses opened in 2024, according to data from the General Commercial Register (GEMI) and the Central Union of Greek Chambers of Commerce (CCHE), making the past year good for business.

This performance is a historical record, with business activity returning to pre-recession levels, when thousands of businesses were forced to shut down and close down. This is stated in the weekly electronic newsletter of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, while the following is disclosed in more detail:

According to the data, compared to last year, an increase of 11% is recorded, as 58,200 businesses were established in 2023. This is an increase that confirms the fact that the Greek economy has entered a recovery path and that entrepreneurs do not hesitate to test the new market data, leaving aside the caution that existed in the first period after the exit from the memoranda and the more than ten-year crisis that we experienced.