Reggeborgh's share of voting rights in Ellaktor will reach 51.142% following the exercise of the existing call option, the company informed.
The company's announcement:
Ellaktor announces that it has received an update received on 16.01.2025 from a shareholder regarding the shareholding and voting rights in the company.
The shareholder Reggeborgh has informed that, on 13.01.2025, it proceeded to exercise a call option of 2.9868% of the voting rights of Ellaktor 10,400,000 ordinary registered shares through an over-the-counter (OTC) transaction.
As a result of the above exercise, there was a change in the voting rights of the issuer, and the shareholding of the shareholder, Reggeborgh, was as follows:
1. Number of shares and equal number of voting rights (incorporated in shares):
(i)Direct shareholding: the percentage of voting rights in the issuer amounted to 51.142%, i.e., 178,072,350 ordinary registered shares with voting rights, from 48.1515%, i.e., 167,672,350 ordinary registered shares with voting rights.
(ii) Indirect holding: 0% (i.e., 0 ordinary registered shares with voting rights).
Total shareholding and voting rights (direct (i) and indirect (ii)): 51.142%, i.e., 178,072,350 ordinary registered shares with voting rights representing 51.142% of the total voting rights of Ellaktor. Taking into account the Treasury shares held by Reggeborgh's shareholding is 51.259%.
2. Financial instruments, in accordance with Article 11 paragraph 1.b of the law. 3556/2007: call option of the remaining 1,493% of the voting rights (i.e., 5.200.000 common nominal shares) of Ellaktor, with a period of exercise/conversion of the call option of 36 months, starting on 06.05.2022 and ending on 06.05.2025.
Number of shares and equal number of voting rights after the possible exercise of the remaining call option:
Total shareholding and voting rights (total positions 1 and 2): 52.635%, i.e., 183,272,350 ordinary registered shares with voting rights. Taking into account the Treasury shares held by Reggeborgh's Holding will be 52.756%.