The Greek
Constantine Tasoulas elected President of the Republic with 160 votes |
Constantine Tasoulas elected President of the Republic with 160 votes
The new President of the Republic was elected by the plenary session of the Parliament with 160 votes, the former President of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tasoulas.
1 min

The new President of the Republic was elected by the plenary session of the Parliament with 160 votes, the former President of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tasoulas. 

In particular, 276 Members of Parliament voted during today's proceedings, with 24 abstentions.

Tasos Giannitsis received 34 votes, Louka Katseli 29 and Konstantinos Kyriakou 14. 39 members voted "present.".

The election of Tasoulas came with the fourth vote held in the Parliament, in view of the expiry of the term of the current President, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, on 13 March 2025.

After the announcement of the result, the Speaker of the Parliament, Nikitas Kaklamanis, went to the office of Constantinos Tasoulas to announce that he will be the next President of the Republic.

This will be followed by statements from Mr. Kaklamanis and Mr. Tasoulas.

The votes

The first and second votes required a two-thirds (200) majority, while the third vote required a three-fifths (180) majority.

In these votes, Mr. Tasoulas was voted for by 160 MPs, PASOK's nominee Tasos Giannitsis by 34 MPs, SYRIZA-PS nominee Luca Katseli by 40 MPs, and Niki's nominee K. Kyriakou by 14 MPs.

In the first vote, 297 MPs had voted and 49 were "present" and 3 were absent, while in the second and third votes, all 300 MPs had voted and 52 "present" had been recorded.