The Greek
Insurance companies' compensation for the Bora storm estimated at €18.7 million |
Insurance companies' compensation for the Bora storm estimated at €18.7 million
The survey of the Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies (EAEE) that prevailed in Greece in the period 30 November - 2 December 2024 has been completed.
1 min

The survey of the Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies (EAEE) for the first estimation of the Greek insurance market's claims for property and motor insurance damages from the extreme weather events (Bora: rainfall-floods) that prevailed in Greece in the period 30 November - 2 December 2024 has been completed.

According to the data of the insurance companies that participated in the survey of the EAEE, a total of 1,832 claims were reported. The total amount of compensation for these is estimated at €18.7 million.

Of these, 1,368 claims were related to property insurance (estimated at €17.5 million), 462 claims to motor insurance (estimated at €1.2 million), and 2 claims to boat insurance (estimated at €11 thousand).

In addition, the EAEE has systematically recorded insured losses from catastrophic events in recent years. The results of these surveys are available on the NAAE website under Nat Cat Monitor.

The Chairman of the Property, Transport & Reinsurance Committee, Henry Moatsos, said, "Based on the data we collect on natural catastrophes, in recent years the consequences of catastrophic events have been particularly pronounced, both in terms of frequency of occurrence and severity. In particular, as regards heavy rainfall incidents, we have recorded 17 incidents from 2014 to 2024 with a total amount of compensation of €509 million for 13,344 damages. The Greek insurance market is responding swiftly and consistently to compensate its policyholders who suffered damage from the Bora storm that swept the country at the end of 2024, causing severe damage."