The Greek
The first two licenses for pilot projects of offshore wind farms have been issued |
The first two licenses for pilot projects of offshore wind farms have been issued
The first two research licenses for pilot projects of offshore wind farms were granted today to investors ("AIOLIKI PROVATA TRAIANOUPOLIS," a subsidiary of TERNA ENERGY, and "Thrakiki Wind 1 SA," a subsidiary of the Kopelouzos Group)
4 min

The first two research licenses for pilot projects of offshore wind farms were granted today to investors ("AIOLIKI PROVATA TRAIANOUPOLIS," a subsidiary of TERNA ENERGY, and "Thrakiki Wind 1 SA," a subsidiary of the Kopelouzos Group), at an event attended by the Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Theodoros Skylakakis, and the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Ms. Alexandra Sdoukou.

According to a relevant announcement by the Greek Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (EDHEP), the licenses concern the marine area south of the coastline of the Regional Unit of Evros and north-northeast of Samothrace, defined as the development area for pilot projects of Offshore Wind Farms (OWF) with a total capacity of up to 600 MW.

The research areas are part of the National Program for the Development of Offshore Wind Farms (EPAYA) and will contribute to achieving the national target, as defined in the finalizing National Plan for Energy and Climate (ESCEK).

Mr. Skylakakis stated, "Greece has an exceptionally strong offshore potential, mainly due to its climate and strategic position on the energy map of Europe. Recognizing that harnessing this potential will contribute to the national goal of evolving Greece into a significant energy hub, we are taking significant initiatives in this direction. At the end of October, we announced the National Program for the Development of Offshore Wind Farms, and now we are announcing the first two research licenses for pilot Offshore Wind Farms. The outward-looking and innovative characteristics that distinguish offshore wind energy can add significant value to the Greek economy. For this purpose, we are promoting the development of network infrastructure and the necessary supply chain, streamlining licensing processes, enhancing research, utilizing new technologies, etc. The development of Offshore Wind Farms will primarily contribute to ensuring our energy autonomy and achieving the ambitious target of 12 GW by 2040-2045, making Greece a major exporter of green energy."

Ms. Sdoukou mentioned that "today is very significant for multiple reasons. On the one hand, it marks the first official step following the adoption of Law 4964/2022 for the development of offshore wind technology in Greek waters. This initial step will be followed by many more very soon to achieve the goal we set when formulating the framework for offshore projects: to make Greece a pioneer in the development of offshore wind energy in Southeastern Europe and simultaneously create a robust domestic supply chain, strengthen the national economy, generate new and well-paying jobs, and increase domestic added value. On the other hand, I would like to remind you that in 2022, we specified in the law that the sea area of Alexandroupolis would host the first pilot projects for offshore wind energy as part of our broader strategic vision to transform this border region of Greece into an international energy and geopolitical hub. That decision takes on an additional, highly timely and necessary developmental dimension, especially after the dramatic summer wildfires. Attracting investments of this magnitude in this innovative technology of 'clean' energy production will be another piece in the mosaic of the complete reconstruction and development of the Alexandroupolis region."

The CEO of TERNA ENERGY, Emmanuel Maragoudakis, noted that "the commencement of the development of Offshore Wind Parks with the issuance of the first research licenses is particularly pleasing to us. From the very beginning, we believed that to achieve ambitious goals for increasing the share of RES in the National Energy System, it is necessary to invest in high-capacity and high-performance projects with significant domestic added value. The high wind potential of the Greek seas had already led us since 2007 to seek opportunities for the development of offshore projects. Today, hoping that there will be no further delays in licensing and approvals, we aim for the project to start operating within the current decade."

The CEO of RES and Energy Storage of the Copelouzos Group, Giannis Karydas, emphasized that "today is an important day in our country's effort to introduce electricity from offshore wind parks into its energy mix. The Copelouzos Group, having already obtained the only existing license for a marine wind park since 2012, is at the forefront of this energy sector and expresses its particular satisfaction for achieving this significant step with the decisive contribution of the Ministry of Environment and Energy. The issuance of the research license is a first but essential step in the effort to implement offshore wind parks in our country to create a new market with significant energy, environmental, social, and economic benefits, contributing to the faster energy transition to a green economy and the energy sufficiency of our country. We look forward to close collaboration with EDEYEP and, of course, with the ministry for the faster implementation of the next steps that will bring the construction and operation of these offshore wind parks sooner."

The CEO of EDEYEP, Aristofanis Stefatos, emphasized that "today is of particular significance for EDEYEP, as the presence of the ministry and the representatives of the companies is both an honor and a confirmation of the state's and the business community's interest in the rapid development of the domestic offshore wind sector. Our country possesses a very strong offshore wind potential that can unlock new, clean energy sources in the Greek seas, thereby enhancing energy security, providing green job opportunities, and contributing to accelerating the energy transition. As the entity that developed the National Program for the Development of Offshore Wind Parks (NPDOWP) and aims to attract the best investments, we believe that the response of Greek companies to the pilot areas is a clear indication of the expected demand for the first round of NPDOWP license auctions."