The Greek
How much Greeks spent on food and housing |
How much Greeks spent on food and housing
Greek households spent approximately €1,625 per month or €20,223 annually in 2023, which is 5.3% more money than in 2022 (1,600 euros), reflecting the impact of price pressure on Greek households' budgets.
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Greek households spent approximately €1,625 per month or €20,223 annually in 2023, which is 5.3% more money than in 2022 (1,600 euros), reflecting the impact of price pressure on Greek households' budgets.

In fact, according to ELSTAT data, average spending is now even closer to pre-crisis levels, as it is the highest recorded since 2010 (1,824 euros), while wages have not returned to similar levels.

According to ELSTAT data, in constant prices, the average annual household expenditure increased by 1.7%, or 347.16 euros, due to the impact of inflation. At the individual level, average annual expenditure stood at 8,358.24 euros, recording an increase of 11.2% (841.92 euros per year) compared to 2022 (7,516.32 euros).

The largest share of the expenditure of the average household budget, at current prices, concerns:

  • food and non-alcoholic beverages (20.7%),
  • housing (14.1%) and
  • transport (13.1%),

while the smallest share of expenditure (3.4%) corresponds to education and alcoholic beverages
and tobacco.