The Greek
Gross Value Added to grow by 13.9% in 2022 - Top regions
Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2022 increased by 13.9% compared to 2021 in the country as a whole, according to the Regional Accounts of ELSTAT.
Unemployment in Greece showed a new decline in December 2024
Unemployment in Greece showed a new decline in December 2024.
Marginal savings of Greeks in the third quarter
Greek households' disposable income grew faster than consumer spending in the third quarter of 2024 for the first time in a year.
Business turnover up by 3.4% in November
An increase of 3.4% on an annual basis recorded in November the turnover for all enterprises in the economy with the obligation to keep double-entry books, for which data are available on a monthly basis.
Car sales in 2024 slowed down
The growth of new car sales slowed down noticeably in 2024, according to data released today (15/1) by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT).
Trade deficit increased by 18.7% in November
The country's trade deficit increased by 18.7% in November last year, as imports increased and exports decreased.
Unemployment fell to 9.6% in November
The unemployment rate in Greece fell significantly, both year-on-year and on a monthly basis, in November, with the number of people employed increasing by more than 140,000 compared to a year earlier.
17.7% jump in accommodation turnover in October
Turnover for the country's accommodation businesses jumped 17.7% year-on-year in October, while turnover in the restaurant sector was up only 5.1%.
Import prices in Greek industry fell by 5.5% in October
Import prices in Greek industry fell by 5.5% in October, but compared to the previous month, import prices rose by 2.3%.
Annual growth of 17.9% in the third quarter in the construction sector
Construction recorded a marginal increase in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter, while a 17.9% jump was recorded on an annual basis.
Wage costs down 2.9% in the third quarter
The Wage Cost Index, without any correction (seasonal or correction for the number of working days), decreased by 2.9% in the whole economy, except for the primary sector and household activities, in the third quarter of this year compared to the corresponding index for the third quarter of 2023, compared to an increase of 7.3% in the corresponding comparison in 2023 to 2022.