The Greek
More data allows us to more easily identify cases of tax evasion |
Giorgos Pitsilis (AADE)
More data allows us to more easily identify cases of tax evasion
Digital accounting of transactions simplifies tax operations, both for the state and for citizens, said Giorgos Pitsilis, Head of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.
2 min
Giorgos Pitsilis, Head, AADE

"Our goal is not to go to the tax office with those who do not need to go and those who need to go," said the governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) Giorgos Pitsilis, in the discussion he had with journalist Dinos Siomopoulos in the context of the 9th Delphi Economic Forum, which is taking place in Delphi 10-13 April and is under the auspices of the A.E. of the President of the Republic, Mrs.Katerina Sakellaropoulou. Mr. Pitsilis referred to the effort of the Hellenic Revenue Service to make the communication of citizens with the services of the state increasingly digital.

"When we design a platform, we do not transfer what is done on paper to a digital environment. We first make sure to throw away the unnecessary," Pitsilis explained, citing the example of digital declarations in MyProperty, for real estate. "There was a 72% increase in declarations from 2022 to 2023. Pitsilis stated that the Myaade app has been downloaded over 300,000 times in just a few days since its launch.

Mr. Pitsilis explained the importance of applications such as MyData - the digital accounting of transactions - in simplifying tax operations, both for the state and for citizens. "There are things we need to improve, there is also a need for awareness on the part of businesses and citizens that this is the new reality. The reality of more data allows us to more easily identify cases of tax evasion as well." Pitsilis announced the introduction of digital delivery notes, for which the technical specifications will be available in a few days. In order to tackle the smuggling of products such as fuel,

Mr. Pitsilis said that the legal framework and control mechanisms are becoming stricter. "We want to drive out of the market those who operate unfairly, both in terms of competition and harmful to the state," he said. Asked about the VAT gap, he referred to "10%" compared to up to 30% a few years ago. On the issue of "blocked regulations", Pitsilis said that "this pending issue will be closed and we will go to a new model, with other conditions.". "We want to be partners of the citizens, not opponents, and that is why we are going to digitize our services," Pitsilis said, concluding that "there must be institutional self-limitation of controls.