The Greek
More than 14K Users Have Already Downloaded ‘MyCoast’ App So Far |
More than 14K Users Have Already Downloaded ‘MyCoast’ App So Far
With 14,000 downloads so far, the new MyCoast app, developed by Greece's ministry of digital governance, aims to curb zoning violations on the country's many beaches.
1 min

The new MyCoast app, which Greece's digital governance ministry created to stop zoning violations along the nation's numerous beaches, has already received 14,000 downloads.

The app is among the most prominent measures announced by the government in the wake of last summer’s “towel movement,"  in which local residents and holidaymakers, beginning on the highly popular Cyclades island of Paros, protested against incursions by businesses and illegal construction on various beaches. According to relevant ministries this week, more than 500 complaints have been submitted via the app so far.

Only users with valid Greek bureau (AADE) codes can file a complaint with their particulars; however, other complaints are anonymous.

Last month, the government also announced the protection of 198 beaches around the country from commercial activity or exploitation.