The Greek
Development of a solar portfolio in 4 countries in cooperation with Mytilineos
Strategic Cooperation Agreement between PPC Group and MYTILINEOS Energy & Metals for the development of a solar portfolio of up to 2,000MW in 4 countries
Completion of the acquisition of Kotsovolos
PPC has completed the acquisition of Kotsovolos retailer of appliances.
Net profit €485 million - Dividend distribution after 10 years
PPC records €1.5 bn EBITDA on a pro-forma basis reinstating dividend distribution at €0.25/share.
Agreement with Copelouzos and Samaras Groups for a Wind Farm at Alexandroupolis
PPC announces that, PPC Renewables and the Copelouzos and Samaras Groups have signed an agreement for the acquisition of shares of the company ”THRAKIKI WIND 1 S.A"
Completes acquisition of minority stakes of Fondul in ENEL Romania
PPC says that it has completed the acquisition of all the minority equity stakes of Fondul held by Enel Romania for a consideration of 130 million euros.
Finalizes acquisition of Enel's Romanian operations
PPC concluded the acquisition of Italian Enel’s Romanian operations for a consideration of 1.24 billion euros. Including debt, the deal is valued at 1.9 billion euros.