The Greek
€1 billion disbursed to Greece from 4th payment request
The European Commission has today disbursed €1 billion from the Recovery Fund to Greece under the grants strand, following the successful completion of the 4th payment request submitted in early June.
The implementation of the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan is progressing smoothly
The implementation of the Greek recovery and resilience plan is progressing smoothly, the European Commission says in its annual report, but "increased efforts" are needed for its timely implementation.
Positive assessment on the 4th payment request
The European Commission announced today (Wednesday) its positive preliminary assessment of Greece's 4th payment request for the €1 billion Recovery Fund grant tranche.
Fourth tranche of €2.3 billion disbursed to Greece
Greece received the fourth installment of €2.3 billion (net of pre-financing) from the European Commission yesterday for loans made possible by the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF).
Green light for the fourth instalment
Greece's fourth payment request for €2.3 billion in loans (excluding pre-financing) under the NextGenerationEU Recovery and Resilience Mechanism was accepted by the European Commission today with a positive preliminary assessment.
Submits its 4th request to the RSF for €1 billion in grants
Today, the European Commission received the fourth request for a €1 billion grant disbursement from the Recovery and Resilience Fund, covering 20 milestones and targets, from Mr. Nikos Papathanasis, Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance.
Ongoing actions in the primary sector
Through the Recovery Fund, the Greek government is taking up initiatives for companies and group plans operating in the primary sector.
Endorses positive preliminary assessment of greeces request for €3,64 billion disbursement
The European Commission endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Greece's third payment request of 3.64 billion euros (1.69 bln in grants and 1.95 bln in loans), under the Recovery & Resilience Facility (RRF).