The Greek
General Meeting decided to cancel 8.24 million own shares |
General Meeting decided to cancel 8.24 million own shares
The cancellation of eight million, two hundred forty five thousand, five hundred thirty four (8,245,534) own shares, purchased by the Company under the approved own share buyback program in order to cancel them
1 min
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization

Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A., the Greek full-service telecommunications provider (hereinafter ”OTE” or “OTE S.A.”), held today, through teleconference, an Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting, where shareholders representing 82.29% of its paid up share capital participated (excluding OTE own shares which are not calculated for the formation of a quorum).

During the Meeting the shareholders discussed the items of the agenda, which were approved by majority.

In particular the General Meeting approved:
• An Own Share Buyback Program according to article 49 of L.4548/2018
• The cancellation of eight million, two hundred forty five thousand, five hundred thirty four (8,245,534) own shares, purchased by the Company under the approved own share buyback program in order to cancel them, with a corresponding reduction of its share capital by the amount of twenty three million, three hundred thirty four thousand, eight hundred sixty one Euros and twenty two cents (€23,334,861.22), according to article 49 of L.4548/2018 and a subsequent amendment of article 5 (Share Capital) of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation.
• The amendment of articles 1 (Corporate Name) and 2 (Object) of the Company's Articles of Incorporation.

The General Meeting was also informed regarding the Report of the independent members of the Board of Directors, according to article 9 par.5 of Law 4706/2020.

The detailed voting results on the items of the agenda will be published within five (5) days, in accordance with applicable legislation.