The Greek
AB Vasilopoulos
The new purpose and revovation of MEGA AB in Elliniko
A new provision has been added to the statute of AB Vasilopoulos, which, as FnB Daily learns, concerns the broader relationship with its suppliers.
Intensifies investments in FTTH and 5G
The market positively evaluates the results announced by OTE for the nine-month period of 2023
Profits increase and investments for the 9M - Recurring EBITDA €937 million
DEI announced that it recorded recurring EBITDA of €937 million for the nine-month period of 2023
Recorded profits € 4.71 million for the 9M
ALPHA TRUST-ANDROMEDA Investment Trust S.A. released its nine-month 2023 results today.
Continuing growth in Greek profitability - Adj. EBITDA (AL) up 0.7%
In the third quarter of 2023, the consolidated revenues of OTE Group decreased by 2.6% and amounted to €881.0 million, as announced by the group.
Record earnings backed by robust sales in main markets for the 9M
Titan Cement International SA announces net profit more than doubled year-to-date, to €198m. EPS (9 months) at € 2.64.
IDEAL Holdings
Revenue growth +111% and EBITDA +106% for the 9M
IDEAL Holdings announces its proforma results for the 9M 2023 with revenue growth +111% and EBITDA +106%
Entering cargo delivery with drones through Dronamics
The Greek Postal Services, in collaboration with the first cargo drone company from Bulgaria, Dronamics
Double-digit growth brings increased dividend - Τhe picture at the 10-month mark
The year is expected to close on a particularly positive note for Jumbo, with double-digit growth rates
DEI blue - AVIS
Electromobility at the center of their collaboration
The agreement aims to promote electromobility and provide integrated charging solutions to all long-term car leasing drivers.
Ready to take over the management of Aktor
Intrakat, which recorded a strengthened financial position and returned to profitability in the first half of the year, is fully prepared to take over the management of Aktor.