The outlook for the Athens Stock Exchange and the shares of Greek companies is positive, according to two new reports published by Bank of America (BofA) and UBS.
18/11/24 • 07:57

The Commission estimates that the Greek economy will close 2024 with growth of 2.1% and inflation at 3%, with 2025 bringing growth of 2.3% and inflation at 2.4%.
15/11/24 • 12:47

According to the IOBE's Economic Sentiment Survey, the deterioration of the economic climate recorded in Greece in October is exclusively due to industry.
04/11/24 • 13:01

Wood comments in a report that the Greek economy is sending out the opposite signals. The analysts say that both consumers and businesses are not optimistic about their economic situation.
01/11/24 • 08:30

With primary surpluses at 2.1% of GDP by 2029, Greek debt will fall below 140% of GDP shortly before the end of the decade, the International Monetary Fund predicts in the latest edition of its Fiscal Monitor report.
23/10/24 • 16:34

The financial assets of Greek households grew by 7.4% in 2023, the highest growth rate in Western Europe according to Allianze.
23/10/24 • 08:28

The Greek economy is projected to grow at a higher rate than the Eurozone, both this year and in 2025, according to an International Monetary Fund report on the outlook for the global economy released today.
22/10/24 • 16:20

Standard and Poor's made no move yesterday evening, maintaining its BBB-investment grade rating (the lowest level of investment grade) with a positive outlook.
19/10/24 • 08:57

The Parliament Budget Office revised forecast for the Greek economy's annual growth rate for 2024 stands at 2.3%, slightly lower than the previous estimate of 2.5%, as published in the June report.
08/10/24 • 15:29

UBS remains bullish on the Greek economy, noting that GDP remains on track to meet its forecast for 2.5% growth in 2024, despite recent weakness in Eurozone indicators.
04/10/24 • 09:15