The Greek
New Democracy Leads in the first post EU elections poll
The conservative New Democracy (ND) party, which is in power, is preferred by 29.1% of respondents, according to one of the first opinion polls conducted after this month's results of the European Parliament. SYRIZA, the main opposition leftist party, is ranked second at 13.7%.
Greeks abroad give ND a commanding lead
Greek voters abroad, who only cast postal ballots, gave ND a commanding lead that was comparable to the percentage from the most recent national elections.
Eurosceptic parties gain most in EU election
An aggregated exit poll indicated that nationalists who are skeptical of Europe made the largest gains in Sunday's European Parliament elections, while the Greens and liberals lost ground. This development could potentially complicate EU policymaking and efforts to further integrate the EU over the next five years.
Clear victory for New Democracy - Populist parties make gains
In the final Ministry of Interior estimate for the European elections of 2024, ND is expected to receive 27.9%, SYRIZA 14.8%, and PASOK 12.9%.
33% for ND, twice as much as the second Syriza party
The Marc survey, which aired during ANT1's main newscast, "indicates" that the New Democracy party is twice as close to reaching its electoral goal of 33% as second-place Syriza.
The European elections are a crucial political battle
Through his weekly social media review, Kyriakos Mitsotakis conveyed the message that "no one should be left out" of the "crucial political battle—both European and national" of the European elections.
ND leads with a wide lead in the final straight
Just 25 days before the 2024 European elections, four polls—published on Thursday evening, 16/5, by Pulse, ALCO, MARC, and MRB—give ND and Kyriakos Mitsotakis a commanding and comfortable lead.
Latest Poll Again Gives ND Comfortable Lead Over SYRIZA
According to the most recent poll, SYRIZA, the main opposition party, is trailing the ruling New Democracy (ND) party by 15.4% points.
Deadline expired with over 200,000 voters registering
The platform for postal votes closed on Monday.
157,000 Greeks register for postal voting ahead of Monday deadline
More than 157,000 Greek citizens have registered to vote by mail in the June 9 European elections, according to official figures released Saturday.
Greece's High Court excludes far-right party
High Court Rules to Exclude Far-Right Spartiates From EP Election