TAIPED received a sole bid for the development of property in the “Ververontas” area of the Porto Heli village in Argolida. Goutos Ikodomiki was the sole bidder.
24/10/23 • 17:51

Demand for housing loans decreased in the third quarter because of the termination of the subsidized housing program “My Home.” Also, demand for corporate loans remained unchanged.
24/10/23 • 15:10

Bad loans
Bad loans transferred to debt services reached 89 billion euros at the end of September, including 69 billion euros in loans which were sold to debt purchasers by banks.
24/10/23 • 09:04

Travel balance
Travel service balance showed a surplus of 4.1 billion euros in August up from a surplus of 3.9 billion euros in the respective month of 2022. Tourist arrivals reach 6.5 million in Aug.
23/10/23 • 14:55

Alpha-Unicredit deal
Hellenic Financial Stability Fund confirms it has received an offer by Uncredit to buy 9% Alpha’s own stake held by the bank rescue fund.
23/10/23 • 11:40

S&P has upgraded Greece's sovereign credit rating back to investment level after 13 years. The rater announced late Friday that it has raised the Greek rating to "BBB-", from “BB+" with a stable outlook.
23/10/23 • 06:53

Import Price Index
Import price index (MPI) in industry falls to 14.6% y-o-y in August, the seventh consecutive monthly decline, due to lower electricity prices.
13/10/23 • 12:49

Bank of Greece governor Yannis Stournaras expressed his hope the country’s bank rescue fund HFSF to sell its stake in local lenders to good, long term-investors.
12/10/23 • 16:44

Still, Moody’s has a word of caution: the sale of the HFSF shares to National Bank and Piraeus Bank could be more difficult than the Eurobank transaction.
12/10/23 • 11:55

Fiscal Monitor
The general government balance is projected to show a primary surplus of 0.1% of GDP in 2022, 1.0% of GDP in 2023 and 2% of GDP in 2024-2025, and then to average 2.2% in subsequent years up until 2028.
11/10/23 • 14:48
In Brief
Bad loans
Travel balance
Alpha-Unicredit deal
Import Price Index
Fiscal Monitor